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Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Twilight? It has been a great sensation to the movie lovers nowadays. People would talk about it even though the only thing they see in advance is the movie trailer. Like what I see among my friends, they talk about it 3 months before the release. I would say "You rule!" to Catherine Hardwicke and Stephenie Meyer for the excellent teamwork. 

In fact, I am one of the "Twilight geek" too BUT not as fanatic as some others that I believe do exist. The interesting flavour in this movie is that it has its own way of making people wanted to wait for the "what-will-happen-next" scene. Even though some of the scenes are draggy and dull, but the bond that the Twilight fans and the movie itself are able to make the fans think that the movie is going to get better on the next saga. HENCE, they will keep waiting until the next saga comes.

Keeping myself patient for the next Twilight saga: Breaking Dawn, I know it's going to be great. Just by watching the trailer of Bella getting married with Edward-the vegan vampire, makes me excited. I think it's going to be great this time. I might consider myself as a Twilight fan too. =.="

Talking about Twilight fans, something suddenly came up on my mind.-The Edward fan and Jacob fan thing. It's quite funny how people tend to fight for these characters. Haha! That's just the prove of having the high percentage of popularity. The movie is not only being loved by most people but is also hated by the rest of them. Pictures of Bella and Edward are photoshop-ed to be  something that might be amusing to the person who sees it. When there are lovers, there are haters too

To be considerately and purposely being out of this topic, I would conclude that movies are just movies and haters & lovers would still be haters & lovers; but 'nothing' would always be 'something' when we try our best to make it happen. (Motivations may sometime be useful in a blog even though it is "a little bit" not related to the topic we are talking about. Hehe.) Cheers! ^.^

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